My donation

I give once

  • 1 year of drinking water for 50 children

  • 1 year of drinking water for 250 children

  • 1 year of drinking water for 2 schools

  • 1 year of drinking water for 5 schools


I give every month

  • 1 year of drinking water for 2 children

  • 1 year of drinking water for 5 children

  • 1 year of drinking water for 12 children

  • 1 year of drinking water for 25 children

Why donate ?

Over the past 15 years, 1001fontaines* has developed and proven a sustainable solution combining philanthropy and social entrepreneurship to provide communities with drinking water.

We have proven our positive impact on the health, education, empowerment of local populations and our respect of their environment.

Our challenge today is to strengthen our model and accelerate its large-scale deployment with your help!

*Association Law 1901

My coordinates

* Required Fields


We promise to show you the impact oy your donation, notably through :
- A quarterly dashboard, featuring : the key figures of your support to provideyou with a tangible measure of the change
you’ve made
- A quarterly newsletter to keep you informed of our actions,achievements, and plans for the future
- Our annual financialand our activity report,providing fullfinancial transparency.
- From 200 € per year or 3000 € over 3 years, an invitation to our general meeting and a voting right to get directlyinvolved in our projects.

My payment

Highly secure payments using 256-bit SSL encryption method, the highest security standard.

Credit card

The 3 digit security code is located on the back of your card

Apple Pay


This website is 100% secure.

All banking information used to process the payment is encrypted with the SSL protocol. It is neverstored on our computer systems.

Your personnal, non-financial data is needed to send you your tax receipt.

As part of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), you have the right to access, amend, export ordelete the data about you or limit its processing. If you wish to exercise this right or obtain more information, please contact us by email at or by post to : 1001fontaines - 19 rue Martel 75010 Paris